Saturday, December 14, 2013

Do People Still Buy DVD's?

So Jer and I were just talking, casually shootin' the shit, when he says, "Do you have any of the Workaholics seasons on DVD?" Now 1.) the answer is no although I do love Workaholics, but 2.) and more importantly, I don't have the Workaholics seasons on DVD because who the fuck still buys DVD's? Jeremy totally posed this as a legitimate question and it absolutely baffled me. I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I received a DVD as a gift or just bought one because I wanted one. In fact, if someone giving me a DVD is like receiving a book as a gift now. Just a big ole fuck you pal. Everyone knows Netflix and On Demand are where it's at, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a psycho. We brought in an outside opinion and asked our buddy Matt when the last time he ever bought and received a DVD was and he recalled that in seventh grade after his Bar Mitzvah his Uncle Mark gave him a Phil of the Future DVD.

Hilarious, but entirely proves my point. People haven't been giving DVD's as gifts/watching DVD's since 2006 at the latest. And don't throw that bullshit about Blu-Ray being the same thing in my face because we all know it's not and even still who the fuck gives a Blu Ray as a gift?

So let us know and settle the argument, are DVD's still relevant or are they thing of the past?

PS- I'm trying to decide if the girl from Phil of the Future is a smoke. A younger me says yes, but an older me wants to think that I can do better.

PPS- The older me knows I can't do better.

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