Friday, December 27, 2013

Wolf of Wall Street Review

Just out of the theater for this review...had to keep it fresh in my mind as I was writing this. I'm gonna start off by saying that this movie is extremely long, it got to the point where I was feeling at home in the Bloomfield movie theater as that movie ended. But unlike a lot of other long ass movies, I didn't really think that the length took away from director Martin Scorcese's most recent work. I wasn't at all bored during this movie, and it kept me laughing almost the entire time.

I think that the comedic aspect of this movie was what surprised me so much. I came into it expecting much more of an intense depiction of the life of corrupt stock broker Jordan Belfort. Instead, Scorcese does a really good job to open up the perspective of the viewer. Instead of hating Leonardo Dicaprio or Jonah Hill's character's for their greed, we laugh along with them as they live their lives. Both Dicaprio and Hill gave performances that should draw attention from the Oscar committee at the end of this year.

If I were to describe this movie in one phrase, I would use the phrase sex and drugs. The entire film is full of scenes that involve these two things, as the entire company that Belfort runs becomes one big fuck shack. It was pretty cool to see the way that many high level wall street execs live their lives. It also made it easier to understand the way that wall street crashed when you see the amount of cocaine and other substance that these high level people kept in their system.

Overall I think that this movie should be in the running for picture of the year when all is said and done.

Grade: A-

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