Sunday, December 29, 2013

Raiders V.S Broncos Recap

So happy this season is finally over.  After a painful 17 weeks the Raiders finish up with a miserable 4-12 record.  Today was semi interesting because Manning was just breaking every record in the book.  However the Broncos have just become my least favorite team in the NFL, but it is a close race between them and New England.  I would talk about stats from todays game, but does anyone really care?  I'll talk about one positive for the Raiders though because it could effect who they draft next year.  Pryor was 21-38 today with 208 yards passing and 2 TDs.  That is a pretty decent game against probably the best team in the NFL while you are without your franchise running back.  So here's the question now, what position do the raiders take with their first round pick? Is it still quarterback? I would love to see Pryor get another year, but hey what do I know. 

PS-  Can we please fire this fucking hack Dennis Allen.  He sucks and will always suck.

PPS- Cant wait for week one next year

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