Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Can Someone Just Kick Dennis Rodman Out of the Country Already

(CNN)- As one analysts says, "It's bizarre." Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is making his third trip to North Korea this week, where he will talk basketball and meet with Kim Jong-Un - just as the Korean dictator is shaking up his top leadership after executing his uncle. CNN's Brian Todd reports.

I really don't understand this whole situation with Dennis Rodman. There's just too many questions to be asked with this whole North Korea thing. Here's a few that come to my mind right away.

1. Was Rodman ever told that North Korea has been threatening the United States with Nuclear weapons for over a year?

2. North Korea barely lets anyone in or out of their country, so how does Rodman travel in and out of the country like he's on monthly vacations?

3. How could Rodman have possibly reached out to North Korea in the first place? I can't imagine that Rodman knows how to work a telephone or computer.

4. What do Rodman and a communist dictator possibly talk about? I mean I get that Rodman is a weird guy but I can't imagine that they have much to talk about. It could very well just be that good old Kim Jong just gets a kick out of a black man standing right in front of him. Or maybe Rodman just rattles off stories about all the women he's ran through in his life, probably a whole new side of life for the anti-american weirdo.

As far as i'm concerned, someone should just tell Rodman to stay in North Korea the next time he packs his things (cocaine) and leaves the country. Come to think of it it's probably a good thing that he's coaching basketball in a country that's already fucked up, because i'm pretty sure that any sane person wouldn't want Rodman around there kids for hours every day.

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