Many of you may not have known this, but on this day 96 years ago, the National Hockey League had its first game ever. The Montreal Canadiens beat the Ottowa Senators 7-4, and the rest was history. The NHL now has 30 teams with an 82 game long season and the most exciting playoffs in all of sports. But why does this matter? Who cares that the NHL is 96, it's just hockey? Well I care because in my opinion the NHL provides more entertainment than any other league.
Hockey season is one of the best times of the year, but not enough people appreciate hockey. Everyone is all about the NFL, which is frustrating because everything people hate about the NFL and NBA, hockey offers. "The league isn't tough enough anymore, this is bullshit." Hockey players absolutely truck one another on a nightly basis, with it being perfectly okay, and the players are even allowed to fight each other. "The players are primma donnas who demand too much." Hockey players are some of the coolest athletes every who just love to get fucked up on brews with their fans. The best example of this: last year when the Heat won the finals, they went to a Miami night club, sat in the VIP section, and ordered bottle service for themselves. When the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, they toured all the Chicago bars WITH the trophy, letting the fans touch and drink from it, all while getting housed on Bud Lights.
The bottom line is hockey is an unreal sport and my new favorite to watch. I got into hockey back in the beginning of high school and it's one of the best decisions I've made. Plus, the Hawks have now given me a reason to root for Chicago again, being the lone winners in a city of losers. The NHL has had 3 lockouts in recent memory, but kept it together and thank God, because an America without hockey is one I don't want to live in. So here's to you NHL, happy 96th.
Crow, still so fucked up on day 5.
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