Monday, December 16, 2013

Fake Sign Language Interpreter at Mandela Funeral Has Apparently Burned Two Men to Death

New York PostThe bogus sign language interpreter at last week’s Nelson Mandela memorial service was among a group of people who accosted two men found with a stolen television and burned them to death by setting fire to tires placed around their necks, one of the interpreter’s cousins and three of his friends told The Associated Press Monday.

But Thamsanqa Jantjie never went to trial for the 2003 killings when other suspects did in 2006 because authorities determined he was not mentally fit to stand trial, said the four. They insisted on speaking anonymously because of the sensitivity of the fake signing fiasco, which has deeply embarrassed South Africa’s government and prompted a high-level investigation into how it happened.

Their account of the killings matched a description of the crime and the outcome for Jantjie that he himself described in an interview published on Sunday by the Sunday Times newspaper of Johannesburg.
“It was a community thing, what you call mob justice, and I was also there,” Jantjie told the newspaper.
So you probably have heard this story by now. At the funeral for Nelson Mandela (RIP) a fake sign language interpreter was just up on stage next to some of the most powerful leaders in the free world and just signing a bunch of jibberish out to the crowd. 
Well now we're finding out that this guy has helped burn two men to death. You know, the guy who stood literally 6 INCHES away from our President, is a confirmed killer. You gotta wonder what the fuck secret service is doing in this situation right? I imagine the scenario went like this:
Secret Service: "Whoa whoa, who are you?"
Crazy Jantije: "Oh I'm...uhhh...the sign language interpreter?"
Secret Service: "Sign language interpreter? Do you have any papers or identification."
Crazy Jantije: "Not exactly..."
Secret Service: "...alright whatever. Can't imagine anyone here is deaf anyway."
Just some real sound investigative work right there. Maybe if Obama wasn't so focused on getting this snapchat out to his buddies back in the US boring LOL
then he would've demanded a more sound background check on this guy.
I do give this Jantije guy some credit though. Able to convince people he's a sign language interpreter, had the best seat in the house at one of the most important funerals in human history, and totally sold everyone except the deaf people, who couldn't exactly tell people what was going on anyway. Brilliant strategy and you gotta love his defense about the burnings. "Just some simple mob justice people, stop being so uptight!" That should hold up in court.

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