Sunday, December 15, 2013

Famous Jameis

One of the few things that anyone in America was able to take from the brutal Jameis Winston Heisman Speech last night is that Jameis "loves life." Even though the repetive statement made no real sense any of the times he said it, it really made me think about the entire sexual assault charge that had surrounded the Heisman quarterback throughout the past month. Throughout his time in Tallahassee, Winston has always seemed like a pretty good guy. He appears at numerous events with his team, never has any problems with the Florida State Coaching Staff, and makes it very clear that he loves his family. When I thought about other notable athletes that had been accused of sexual assault in the past decade, it was tough to compare Jameis to these guys. I'm not making any appeal into whether or not Jameis Winston was guilty, because the world will never truly know. I'm just saying that if he is a malicious and bad person, than he's done a pretty good job of hiding it, especially for a 19 year old.

Just think about this guy. Ben Roethlisberger, quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers. This guy looks and acts like the piece of shit that has been accused of rape twice in his decade long career. Maybe my vision is blurred by my allegiance to Florida State, but I can't really see a connection between Jameis and a man like Roethlisberger.

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