Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hey I'm T.

Hey guys I'm T.J. "T" Cook III (threejay to some, but not most). I'm 5'8", 5'9" in timbs, and go to Loyola University of Maryland. Jer asked me to sign on with him help out with some of the workload, so here I am. So as an early Christmas present to all 3 of you who may choose to read this blog, I thought I'd further introduce myself by sharing one of my more terribly awkward moments that happened to me not too long ago.

So a few weeks ago I went through one of the worst experiences in my young adult life. I was sitting in class around 2:15, idly mining my own business, when I felt a real growler coming on. Now for normal people, I imagine this isn’t a problem. However, for me, shits are typically a twenty minute ordeal because when I shit it’s like shit coming out of an old school play-doh machine.
(not the same color, but surprisingly close)
So I excuse myself from the class and head to the men’s room, for what will probably be the rest of class. I get into the stall, check and make sure that there’s toilet paper, and proceed to plop my ass cheeks and shove one out that made my ass sound like a babbling brook. I finally finish and want to give a courtesy flush to the bathroom because the smell was just horrific. I go to reach for the flusher to flush this sludge occupying the toilet, but to my dismay, there was no flusher. 
It was an automatic toilet.
I panic, and now am in a rolling sweat from the pushing and my fear. I had to get this shit down, so I had to stand up with my pants around the ankles and waddle to the edge of the stall so that this toilet would flush. It finally does, and I can start the wiping process, but in order to not clog the toilet, I had to repeat my waddling process about 7 times.
When I was finally done I washed my hands and checked my phone, realizing that the time was now 2:03 when my class ended at 1:50 and the next class started at 2:00. So I have now missed the rest of my class, and had to enter into a new class in order to get my backpack. The professor asked what I wanted when I entered the room, but I refused to answer and went on my way.
I now sit here in my apartment wanting to laugh about the situation but find myself still terribly embarrassed and am probably gonna go cry in my shower now. But I felt I should do you all a service though and remind you, before you shit, make sure the toilet is not automatic.

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